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Syria in Last 24 Hours: ISIL Centers Receive Powerful Blows in Armed Forces' Attacks in Homs

The Damascus Army and Air Force struck ISIL's positions and movements in the Eastern Badiyeh (desert) of Homs on Friday.
News ID: 71119
Publish Date: 07July 2018 - 15:24

Syria in Last 24 Hours: ISIL Centers Receive Powerful Blows in Armed Forces' Attacks in HomsTEHRAN (Defapress)- The terrorists suffered major losses in the Syrian army and air force attacks.

The army men engaged in a tough battle with the remaining pockets of ISIL near Aweirez Dam in Eastern Badiyeh, killing and wounding a number of the militants and destroying their equipment.

Also, the Syrian air force warplanes targeted ISIL's strongholds near the Aweirez Dam, T2 Oil Pumping Station, al-Wa'ar Dam and regions near Deir Ezzur province, destroying several positions and killing or wounding a number of terrorists.

Meantime, the Syrian army continued its military advances in other parts of Syria over past 24 hours.

Tens of terrorists were killed and dozens more were injured during the Syrian army's operations in provinces across Syria.


The Syrian Army and Air Force struck ISIL's positions and movements in the Eastern Badiyeh of Homs on Friday, inflicting major losses on the terrorists.

The army men engaged in a tough battle with the remaining pockets of ISIL near Aweirez Dam in Eastern Badiyeh, killing and wounding a number of the militants and destroying their equipment.

In the meantime, air force warplanes targeted ISIL's strongholds near the Aweirez Dam, T2 Oil Pumping Station, al-Wa'ar Dam and regions near Deir Ezzur province, destroying several positions and killing or wounding a number of terrorists.

Meanwhile, the army's engineering units discovered a large volume of arms, ammunition and missiles in the positions of terrorists North of the town of al-Sukhnah in Eastern Homs.


The Syrian Army stormed terrorists' positions in Southern Dara'a and captured nine strategic checkpoints at the border with Jordan, a media outlet reported on Friday.

The Arabic-language Elam al-Harbi reported that the army managed to drive terrorists out of checkpoints 71 to 79 along a 2km-long chunk of the borderline.

It added that the army further liberated the villages of Samad, Samaj, Arz al-Atrash, Taysiya, Khirbet Qolo, Abu Qatouneh, al-Mashafi, Abu Ra'as, al-Samaqiyat, al-Aman, Nada and Maqtala.

Elam al-Harbi went on to say that army men advanced further towards the village of al-Mata'iyeh and Nasib border-crossing.

In the meantime, the Arabic-language website of Sky News reported that the army has deployed 6 km away from Nasib border-crossing.

Meanwhile, Mohammad Qasem al-Kasour al-Hariri, a notorious field commander of the terrorists, was killed in clashes with the Syrian Army troops in the Eastern countryside of Dara'a city on Friday.

Al-Hariri, commander of Amoud Houran Division affiliated to the Free Syrian Army, was killed along with a number of his forces in the army's operation near al-Na'eimeh township in the Eastern countryside of Dara'a city.


The Russian Air Force launched a massive attack on terrorist-held regions in Southern Idlib.

According to a military source in nearby Lattakia, the air force relentlessly bombarded the bases of Tahrir Al-Sham Hay'at and the Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP) in Jisr Al-Shughour District of Idlib, the AMN reported.

The airstrikes, which are still ongoing, were conducted in retaliation for the latest armed drone attack on the Russian Humeimim Airbase in Southwest Lattakia.

According to some pro-government activists, the Russian jets carried out the strikes after allegedly taking off from the Abu Dhohour Military Airport for the first time ever.

There has been no military confirmation to corroborate these claims; however, the Russian military does maintain a large presence in Southern Idlib.

Furthermore, the Russian military currently has an observation post in the town of Abu Dhohour, so it would not be out of the realm of possibility for them to utilize this base.


The Turkish Army troops and Ankara-backed militants left their positions in the Central part of Afrin for regions around the town after a meeting with the Russian forces, a media outlet reported of Friday.

The Kurdish-language Hawar news reported that the Ankara forces took with them a large number of their military vehicles and heavy weapons and equipment, leaving the Central parts of Afrin for the town's countryside.

Hawar news further said that the Ankara forces' deployment in Jandaris region happened a day after a number of Russian officers paid a visit to the town of Afrin and Jandaris and Shiheh regions in Northwestern Aleppo.


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