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EU Parl. calls for stopping arms sales to Saudi Arabia

TEHRAN (defapress) – The European Parliament has called on EU states to unite in imposing an EU-wide arms embargo on Saudi Arabia following the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
News ID: 73298
Publish Date: 26October 2018 - 15:53

EU Parl. calls for stopping arms sales to Saudi ArabiaIn a Thursday resolution, “MEPs condemn in the strongest possible terms the torture and killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Turkey,” reported the official website of the parliament.

Member states also called for a thorough investigation into Khashoggi murder to understand what has really happened on October 2 in Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

The resolution highlights that the murder is unlikely to have happened without the knowledge or control of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman.

Pointing to the earlier demand of the parliament on October 4 regarding the role of Saudi Arabia in the brutal civil war of Yemen, the text reiterates EU governments should reach a common position to impose an EU-wide arms embargo on the aggressive Saudis.

Khashoggi, a columnist for The Washington Post who wrote critically of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's rise to power, went missing on October 2 after entering the consulate in Istanbul to obtain documents needed for his upcoming marriage. A Turkish security source told Reuters that a group of 15 Saudi nationals, including some officials, arrived in Istanbul and entered the consulate after the Saudi journalist. Saudi Arabia finally acknowledged the murder last week, saying Khashoggi died in a brawl inside its consulate. Meanwhile, Turkish President Erdogan addressed the Parliament on Oct. 23, saying that there is evidence pointing to Khashoggi's murder being 'premeditated'.

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