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In a joint statement:

EU, S Africa reiterate maintaining JCPOA

TEHRAN (defapress) – In a joint meeting held in Belgian capital, Brussels, late on Thursday, European Union (EU) and South African authorities emphasized on the significance of maintaining Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
News ID: 73733
Publish Date: 16November 2018 - 13:23

EU, S Africa reiterate maintaining JCPOAThe statement is read as follows, “we emphasize on the significance of maintaining and continuing full and effective implementation of all aspects of Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action including the removal of US sanctions imposed on Iran and its consequences. So, we believe that continuation of JCPOA will guarantee peace and security in the region and world.”

In another part of the statement, EU and South African officials stressed the importance of promoting relations and values, principles and joint interests of EU and South Africa.

In the end of Summit, EU and South African leaders issued a joint statement on Iran, JCPOA and regional issues.

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