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Iran to hold major exhibition of military achievements on Jan. 31

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iran will showcase its latest military achievements in a major exhibition on Jan. 31, ahead of the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, according to senior spokesman for the Iranian Armed Forces.
News ID: 75212
Publish Date: 26January 2019 - 14:30

Iran to hold major exhibition of military achievements on Jan. 31A senior spokesman for the Iranian Armed Forces, Brigadier General Abolfazl Shekarchi, said Saturday that the armed forces of the Iranian army, IRGC, law enforcement, and Basij have planned a number of exhibitions to showcase the country’s achievements in the forty years since the Islamic Revolution of 1979.

He added that one of these exhibitions is dedicated to the country’s latest military achievements, which will be organized by the Ministry of Defense at Tehran's Grand Mosalla on January 31st.

According to him, the exhibition will showcase over 560 types of domestically-produced defense equipment in the areas of missile systems, telecommunications, electronics, security and law enforcement.

The general also noted that another exhibition will showcase the Air Force’s achievements in the areas of helicopters, as well as various types of aircraft, fighter jets and drones.

Shekarchi further stressed that Iran’s defense capabilities are not restricted to its missile program, adding that while the country’s defense power poses no threats to its neighbors, any act of aggression against the Islamic Republic will not remain unanswered.

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