Updated in: 01 June 2024 - 17:56

Iran making efforts to restore regional tranquility

Iran’s Acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani has said that the Islamic Republic has been playing a key role in the Palestinian people’s struggle against the Israeli aggression, with the aim of restoring tranquility to the West Asia region.
News ID: 84609    Publish Date : 2024/06/01

Gaza's martyr toll rises

According to the report of the Health Ministry of Gaza, the martyr toll of Gazans has risen to more than 36,000.
News ID: 84608    Publish Date : 2024/06/01

Pro-Palestine protesters went inside the Brooklyn Museum

The pro-Palestinian activists called for a ceasefire in Gaza and urged to “divest from genocide”.
News ID: 84607    Publish Date : 2024/06/01

More details about Biden's ceasefire plan

Biden announced details about the ceasefire plan.
News ID: 84606    Publish Date : 2024/06/01


Our attitude to Biden's words is positive

Hamas announced that it has a positive attitude towards the ceasefire proposal announced by the American president.
News ID: 84605    Publish Date : 2024/06/01

Hamas tunnels put the Zionist regime under pressure

Hamas tunnels play an important role in putting pressure on the Zionist regime and act as a means where it is possible to keep prisoners, continue missile capabilities, and maintain the element of surprise in confrontations and sniper shootings.
News ID: 84603    Publish Date : 2024/06/01

German police crackdown on student protests

Germany’s students, labeled ‘terrorist sympathizers’ for protesting against Israel’s war on Gaza, say their right to free speech is under attack.
News ID: 84595    Publish Date : 2024/05/28

The martyr toll rises after the Zionist regime's barbaric attack

The number of martyrs of the attack on the Palestinian refugee camp in Rafah increased to more than 50 people.
News ID: 84593    Publish Date : 2024/05/27

Israel massacre in the safe zone

In a new massacre, on May 26, at least 40 civilians were killed and others were injured, mostly children and women, in the Israeli occupation's bombardment of the tents of displaced people northwest of the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip.
News ID: 84589    Publish Date : 2024/05/27

Israel’s actions are incompatible with international law

Robert Habeck as a senior German official, showed his direct point of view on Israel's genocide in the Gaza Strip.
News ID: 84587    Publish Date : 2024/05/26

The firm punch of the resistance group

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance announced the heavy brunt of the resistance fighters to the Zionist soldiers which caused the death and capture of several Zionist soldiers in the north of the Gaza Strip.
News ID: 84580    Publish Date : 2024/05/26

For the children of Gaza, war means no school

The disruption caused by the Israeli war in Gaza has left many children without access to proper education opportunities.
News ID: 84558    Publish Date : 2024/05/20

With the bombardment of the refugee camp, the hospital was filled with wounded Gazans

The usurping Zionist regime increased the number of martyrs by bombing the Nasirat refugee camp.
News ID: 84556    Publish Date : 2024/05/19

Only 5 bakeries for 2.2 million Gazans

Just 5 bakeries are operating in all of Gaza that are serving 2.2 million Palestinians.
News ID: 84548    Publish Date : 2024/05/19

The United Nations announced the end of aid supplies in the Gaza Strip

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Palestine announced on Saturday that there is almost no aid left to distribute among the people of the Gaza Strip.
News ID: 84546    Publish Date : 2024/05/18

Hamas re-establishing itself as Israel war objectives proved 'elusive': US media

The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas is regrouping across the Gaza Strip, an American daily says, pointing out that Israeli forces are again fighting in the areas where they claimed to have defeated Hamas fighters.
News ID: 84536    Publish Date : 2024/05/13

Collaboration of Western media with political leaders to suppress the Palestinian supporters

The mainstream media, in close cooperation with the power elites in the United States of America, are trying to create a scary and distorted image of the supporters of Palestine in the universities of this country.
News ID: 84533    Publish Date : 2024/05/13

The resistance of the Palestinian people united the countries of the world

One of the representatives of the Iranian Parliament said that the representative of the Zionist regime while disrespecting international laws, bought more dishonor for this fake regime.
News ID: 84532    Publish Date : 2024/05/13

Egypt is going to join the genocide case against Israel

Egypt said Sunday it will join a genocide lawsuit filed by South Africa against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) over its deadly offensive in the Gaza Strip.
News ID: 84531    Publish Date : 2024/05/13

Israel military, great heaven for mercenaries

As the Israeli regime is committing a full-scale invasion in the southern part of the Gaza Strip, Rafah, which shelters 1.5 million displaced Palestinians, this situation sounds the alarm internationally about the consequences of this catastrophic action.
News ID: 84530    Publish Date : 2024/05/13

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